Friday, April 21, 2006

According to an amazing feature article on the CNN website yesterday (, distracted driving causes accidents!

Where I come from, this is known as a blinding flash of the obvious.

If you read my blog back on March 10th (still available in the archives), you know my thoughts on distracted driving. Just yesterday, I was nearly run down when a brainless idiot chattering on her cell phone blew through a red light to make a right turn without even slowing down or checking to see if anyone was in the crosswalk. In fact, she never even looked to see if any traffic was coming from the left, either.

Having lived in the Washington, DC / Northern Virginia area for many years, I think I've seen just about all the abysmally stupid things drivers can do. I've seen people zipping along at 65 or faster while reading their newspapers, putting on makeup, eating, or turning completely around to have a conversation with people in the back seat. The cell phone is just the latest in a long line of distractions.

To those folks who are stupid enough to drive without giving it your full attention, let me just say that I don't mind at all if you improve the gene pool by killing yourselves off. However, I do object if you try to take me with you.

Many years ago, about the time I got my first drivers license, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania mailed a small wallet card to each registered driver. The card contained "The Driver's Prayer," which read (this may not be exact, but it's close): "We thank you for the ability to travel from one place to another faster than our legs can carry us. And we recognize our responsibility to do so without injuring another human being." They probably couldn't send out something like that today, but it's worth thinking about no matter where (or if) you go to church. Driving is a privilege, and your car can be a weapon. Use it carefully. The life you save may be mine!

Have a good weekend. More thoughts tomorrow.


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