Thursday, June 21, 2007

Ideas for Google Maps

I hadn't planned to post again until Sunday, when I come back from visiting my grandchildren, but I have a few minutes before heading to the airport, and wanted to share this with you...

The blog "Listoff" ( offers - as the name implies - lists of all sorts. A tongue-in-cheek list of suggestions for maps that Google Maps ought to offer includes this one: "Sites where peace agreements were signed and conflict broke out less than five years afterwards."

Isn't it a shame that there are enough such places that someone even thought about the need for such a map?

Off to the airport! I'll be back on Sunday and will post again after downloading the 9 billion photos I plan to shoot of the world's most adorable grandchildren. Life is good.

Have a great weekend. More thoughts coming.


1 comment:

Jean-Luc Picard said...

That's a super theme for a map.