Saturday, June 07, 2008

Cartoon Saturday

Gas prices are up again, Hillary Clinton is conceding the Democratic nomination to Barack Obama (sort of), unemployment is up, and fatuous blowhards like Mahmoud Ahmedinejad and Hugo Chavez continue to contribute vast amounts of hot air to the global warming problem.

It's time once again for Cartoon Saturday!

In today's economy, you never quite know what's in store...and sometimes you may not want to know...

The Democrats prepare to pull together to fight the Republicans...

This one is really about Agnes and I...

I love this one because it's so silly...

And I love this one because you have to look twice...but once you do, it's me to a T...

Happy Cartoon Saturday! Have a good day. More thoughts tomorrow.



Amanda said...

Ha Ha! Meanderthal. I have to tell my mother because it sounds like my father.

The Mistress of the Dark said...

My dad's a meanderthal too. But I love the Argyle Sweater!

ssgreylord said...

My favorite was the Argyle Sweater. I love silly.

Anonymous said...

I was looking for the Meanderthal cartoon. Saw it in the paper and should have saved it but didn't. Thanks for saving it. Phyllis